CWB Podcast with Eagle Alloys
We were recently invited to record a podcast with our friends at the CWB group and it released today. If you have some time, take...
Silver Solder: The Eagle 500 FC Demonstration
Eagle 500 FC is a flexible, cadmium-free, flux-coated silver solder, perfect for joining ferrous and non-ferrous metals requiring higher strength. With an excellent color match...
7018-1 All Position Low Hydrogen Iron Powered Electrode
The EAGLE 7018-1 is an all-position, low-hydrogen iron-powered electrode that conforms to AWS A5.1 and ASME SFA 5.1 standards. Ideal for welding carbon and low-alloy...
771 FGS Structural Wire Demonstration
This gas-shielded, flux-cored wire is ideal for all-position welding of carbon steel, certified by AWS W48-18 and CWB E49IT-9M-H8. Suitable for mild and medium carbon...
Eagle 822 Farmer Rod - It Welds By Itself!
The Farmer Rod, also known as Eagle 822, is an advanced all-position low alloy electrode designed for maintenance, particularly excelling in downhand welding. Renowned for...
Eagle 822 Farmer Rod - The Easiest Electrode You Will Ever Use
Eagle 822, known as the Farmer Rod, is a versatile all-position low alloy electrode designed for maintenance tasks and performs exceptionally well in down-hand welding....