Silver Solder for Stainless Steel Copper & Bronze

Silver Solder: The Eagle 500 FC Demonstration

Eagle 500 FC is a flexible flux-coated, cadmium-free silver solder and is an excellent colour match on stainless steel. It's used to join ferrous and non-ferrous metals when higher strengths are required than can be normally found with conventional solders and is often utilized in the dairy and food industries, oxygen lines, electrical connections, and general repair.

Begin by cleaning the oxides off the parent metal. Then employ a slightly carburizing flame, pre-heat to 350°F (200°C), and then heat the joint area to 800°F (420°C). Melt a small amount of flux off the end of the rod and allow it to flow throughout the weld area. Then add the Silver Solder alloy. Allow the work piece to cool before removing the flux residue.

This silver solder has a super active flux that is cadmium-free. The special flux provides twice the base metal cleaning action compared to most conventional silver flux-coated products.

Tensile Strength: Approx. 71,000 psi

Yield Strength: Approx. 60,000 psi

Elongation: Approx. 25%

Working Temperature: 12000°F (655°C)

Melting Range: 11400°F (6200°C)

Slightly Carburizing Flame

Sizes: 3/64, 1/16, 3/32 inches (1.20, 1.60, 2.50 mm)



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